Porządek obrad przewiduje:
1. Opening of the General Meeting.
2. Election of the Chairman of the General Meeting.
3. Confirmation of the correctness of convening the General Meeting and its ability to adopt resolutions;
4. Approving the agenda.
5. Consideration of the Management Board's report on the Company's operations and the Company's financial
statements for the financial year 2018.
6. Consideration of the Management Board's report on the operations of the Capital Group of the Company and
the financial statements of the Capital Group of the Company for the financial year 2018.
7. Consideration of the report on the activities of the Supervisory Board in 2018;
8. Adoption of resolutions on the following matters:
a) approval of the Management Board's report on the Company's operations for 2018,
b) approval of the Company's financial statements for the financial year 2018,
c) approval of the Management Board report on the operations of the Company's capital group for 2018,
d) approval of the consolidated financial statements of the capital group of the Company for 2018,
e) covering the loss for 2018.
9. Adoption of resolutions on granting discharge to the members of the Company's Management Board in 2018.
10. Adoption of resolutions on granting discharge to the members of the Company's Supervisory Board in 2018.
11. Approval of the election of Mr. Paweł Jackowski to the Supervisory Board of the Company, made by
members of the Supervisory Board.
12. Approving of the election of Mr. Rafał Płókarz to the Supervisory Board of the Company, made by members
of the Supervisory Board.
13. Determining the number of Supervisory Board members for the next term of office.
14. Adoption of resolutions regarding the appointment of members of the Supervisory Board for a new term.
15. Closing the General Meeting.
More information about the General Meeting:
[button link="http://www.immobile.com.pl/page/69244086/pliki/2019-05-29-gki-wza--ogloszenie-o-zwolaniu-zwz.pdf" color="silver" newwindow="yes"] Announcement about General Meeting[/button]
[button link="http://www.immobile.com.pl/page/69244086/pliki/2019-05-29-gki-wza-projekty-uchwal-zwz.pdf" color="red" newwindow="yes"] Draft resolutions[/button]