The Immo Foundation has planted more trees - News - Grupa Kapitałowa Immobile S.A.

The Immo Foundation has planted more trees
Data publikacji: 28.11.2019

Grupa Kapitałowa IMMOBILE together with the Immo foundation, is continuing a new initiative related to caring for the environment by planting more trees. This time new trees will decorate the area of ​​the Osiedle Uniwersyteckie, where the construction of the first stage of the investment is coming to an end. Employees of the companies belonging to the Grupa Kapitałowa IMMOBILE were happy to get involved in the action. 10 planted trees are the beginning of beautiful vegetation that will be planted in the Osiedle Uniwersyteckie area. Just like Platanowy Park, this estate will stand out with its comprehensive development of green areas.

Our goal is to care for the green - life-giving part of our urban ecosystem. Caring for green areas, planting free spaces, planting plants that absorb air pollution and preserving biodiversity are important activities we want to implement through the activities of the Immo foundation. We want to sensitize residents to the urban environment in the context of climate change. We want to spread pro-ecological attitudes, increase the awareness of each of us to the essence of maintaining a balance between infrastructure and greenery.

Why do we plant trees? Here are the goals of the Immo Foundation:

  • measures to minimize the effects of climate change in the city,

  • popularizing sustainable development of urban infrastructure in order to preserve a friendly and healthy ecosystem,

  • introducing solutions allowing the use of rainwater to water green areas,

  • increasing biodiversity in cities by greening free spaces,

  • leveling of air pollution.

This is another tree planting campaign with the IMMO foundation. Recently, planting took place at the premises of the Centrum Handlowe Faktoria in Bydgoszcz. Stay up to date with the Foundation's next green initiatives by following its Facebook profile:
